10 Beautiful Christian Mother’s Day Poems

Mother’s Day is the perfect moment to celebrate your own mother and all the ways she has blessed your life–physically, emotionally, and spiritually! A loving mother is a gift from God and these Christian poems for Mother’s Day celebrate the way a mother’s faith and tenderhearted love are passed on to their kids.

These poems are perfect to put in your Mother’s Day card or create a little as a gift with a little artwork or graphic design capabilities. Mother’s Day is a special day and these poems help reflect on the gift of a Christian mom–with her unconditional love in hard times, support in times of need, and spiritual guidance throughout her children’s lives. 

bouquet of white tulips on pink background with text overlay 10 Christian mother's day poems
10 christian mother’s day poems

How to Use this Collection of Religious Mother’s Day Poems

  • Read one aloud together as a family on Mother’s Day to celebrate mom!
  • Read the poem aloud and then use it as a journaling prompt for yourself or your child. Does this poem remind you of your mom? Why or why not? Does it feel true to your mothering journey?
  • Read the poem aloud and use it as a writing prompt for your homeschool or Christian school students. What type of poem is this? (Free verse, meter, sonnet–for older children. Rhyming/non-rhyming for younger) Challenge your students to write their own poem about their mom thanking her for what she does for them or remembering favorite memories with mom.
  • Read the poem aloud to your kids. Ask them to make a drawing, painting or other art piece that reminds them of the poem–how it makes them feel or the words of the poem itself. 
  • Read the poem or recite it for memory at your Christmas church service. 
  • Write a spiritual Mother’s Day poem or portion of a poem on your Mother’s Day card this year. 
  • Use all or a part of the poem to create a piece of wall art for your home. 
A handmade card with "Happy Mother's Day" on it sits on a white bed with a vase of pink tulips. Text overlay reads: 10 Beautiful Mother's Day Poems

10 Beautiful Christian Mother’s Day Poems

Enjoy these beautiful spiritual poems that celebrate the love and sacrifice of mothers! 

5 Short Poems for Mother’s Day

When God thought of mother,
He must have laughed with satisfaction,
and framed it quickly —so rich, so deep, so divine,
so full of soul, power, and beauty,
was the conception.

— Henry Ward Beecher

God took the fragrance of a flower… 
The majesty of a tree… 
The gentleness of morning dew… 
The calm of a quiet sea… 
The beauty of the twilight hour… 
The soul of a starry night… 
The laughter of a rippling brook… 
The grace of a bird in flight… 
Then God fashioned from these things… 
A creation like no other… 
And when his masterpiece was through… 
He called it simply – Mother.  
— Herbert Farnham

Mother holding baby and looking at him

A mother’s love, a Mother’s care,
A mother’s sigh, a Mother’s prayer
A Mother’s work, and Mother’s day,
Leaves little time for any play.

A godly Mother with godly love,
Is treasure from God above,
A godly Mother with godly above,
A godly Mother with godly care,
Has God’s help when she sighs a prayer.

— Calvin M. Lake

RELATED: Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Poem called God made a wonderful drawing with sweet hand drawn illustrations of water, sun, bird and grass along the edge

God made a wonderful mother, 

A mother who never grows old; 

He made her smile of the sunshine. 

And He moulded her heart of pure gold; 

In her eyes He placed bright shining stars, 

In her cheeks fair roses you see; 

God made a wonderful mother, 

And He gave that dear mother to me. 

— Pat O’ Reilly


Your arms were always open
when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood
when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern
when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love has guided me
and gave me wings to fly.
— Sarah Malin

Barrett sleepy

5 Religious Mother’s Day Poems 

A Godly Mother is a treasure 

A Godly Mother is a treasure –
A gift more precious than gold…
Her children rise up, and call her blessed,
And in high esteem do hold.
Her love is like that of our Savior
Who sacrificed His own life…
That we might live joyful, Godly lives
In a troubled world of strife.
Her heart is like His, holding us close
No matter how far we roam,
And her arms are always open wide…
To forgive and welcome home.

Her hands are busy molding our lives
From the moment we are born…
Planting seeds, loving, disciplining,
Even when weary and worn.
Her feet are always careful to go
Where her child can follow there…
How could we thank our Mother enough
For her tender loving care?
A Godly Mother fervently prays
For that child she loves so much,
For she knows the fruit of her vineyard…
Depends on the Master’s touch.

— Connie Campbell Bratcher

mom in red shirt walks with small blonde soccer player with another kid on her hip

My Miracle, My Mother

Mom, I look at you
and see a walking miracle.
Your unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
the way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day,
makes me so grateful
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so much for me,
sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher,
my comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.
Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will again.
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your loving care.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch you being you—
my miracle, my mother.
— By Joanna Fuchs


God’s Helpers

God could not be in every place
With loving hands to help erase
The teardrops from each baby’s face,
And so He thought of mother.
He could not send us here alone
And leave us to a fate unknown;
Without providing for His own,
The outstretched arms of mother.
God could not watch us night and day
And kneel beside our crib to pray,
Or kiss our little aches away;
And so He sent us mother.
And when our childhood days began,
He simply could not take command.
That’s why He placed our tiny hand
Securely into mother’s.
The days of youth slipped quickly by,
Life’s sun rose higher in the sky.
Full grown were we, yet ever nigh
To love us still, was mother.
And when life’s span of years shall end,
I know that God will gladly send,
To welcome home her child again,
That ever-faithful mother.

— George W. Wiseman

Pink and white vase of flowers with small gift tied in brown paper package in foreground with text overlay 10 Christian poems for mother's day

Not Just

You are not ‘just’ anything

Not just a woman

Or just a friend

A wife

A partner

Or just a mother

You are a universe

Made up of waves that brought life

Stars that hold dreams

Landscapes of home

Rocks that will crumble but will always remain

The winds gentle sway, and strongest roar

You are someone’s ‘all’

And ‘all’ is not lost

You are a mother

But never, just.

Jessica Urlichs

Vibrant mom starter guide on striped background

So God Made A Mother

At the dawn of time, God needed someone He could trust to love His precious children.

And so, God made a mother.
God said, “Life will often be harsh, so I need someone with a gentle touch. Someone who can brush a tear from the downy cheek of a newborn and gauge a child’s temperature without a thermometer. I need someone who has a special knack for soothing, who can kiss away pain and soften blows. Someone who will hold her child’s hand firmly, until she forces herself to release it, tearfully, on the first day of school.”
And so, God made a mother.

“I need someone who will care enough to gather daffodils and put them in a vase, so everybody in the house can enjoy the first blooms of spring.”

“I need someone who will care enough to rummage through the mismatched sock pile, in hopes of finding a match. Someone who will make birthdays extra special, sing silly songs with her toddlers in the car, and who actually wants to go on a school field trip to the insect museum, just to experience it with her child.”

God thought, “I need someone who will play Christmas carols on the piano. Someone who will decorate gingerbread houses with the kids and wrap gifts and deck the halls for Christmas, for nothing in all my creation will be able to make Christmas as special as a mother will.”

And so, God made a mother.

“I’ll make someone who can organize playdates, piano lessons and the pantry. Someone who can find things like a lost football cleat, Dad’s keys, and ‘Bun-Bun,’ her little girl’s favorite stuffed bunny. I need someone to gather a busy family around the dinner table for chicken soup, cornbread, and sharing life together.”

I need someone who can unload the dishwasher, pack lunches, call out spelling words, and make coffee, while bouncing a baby on her hip. Someone who will carry an array of toys, snacks, and essentials in her heavy purse, and never complain. I need someone to help with endless school projects, organize the football banquet, and say, ‘I’m proud of you,’ even when her child fails.”
“I need someone who is willing to keep going, even when she thinks she has no strength left. Someone who’ll strive to love her kids and to love their father, even more.”
And so, God made a mother.

God said, “I need someone who believes. Someone who will trust that I have a good plan for her and for her children, even when she can’t see it. Someone who will pray for her family daily, for sadly, few people will. I need someone who will share my words and encourage her children to believe in Me because I am the source of life.”

And so, God made a mother.

“I’ll place a second pair of eyes in the back of a mother’s head,” God thought. “I’ll give her bionic ears, and grant her a generous portion of laughter and tears, for she will need them both.”

Sometimes she’ll feel like she doesn’t have what it takes. There will be days when she is overcome with worry, pain, or failure. But when the need arises, she’ll be there. And while motherhood will be difficult, she’ll come to embrace it with all of her heart.”

“Yes, I need someone who will love my children like . . . well, kind of like I do,” God laughed.
“So, I’ll give each mother a heart the size of Texas, and if she’ll let me, I’ll fill it with my special, forever-kind of love. A love that resembles my own.”
“Once I put a precious baby in her arms, she will never be the same. One day her children will grow up and move on, but she never will. A mother will fight for, and pray for, and sacrifice for her children for as long as she lives.”
And so, God made a mother.

—May Patterson

Happy Mother’s Day! 

Looking for a creative and simple gift for mom? Check out these Customizable Mother’s Day Coupons!

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