20 Powerful and Engaging Sermon Ideas for Mother’s Day
As mother’s day approaches you may be looking for a powerful and authentic mother’s day sermon topics to encourage men and women in general, and moms in particular. Mother’s Day is a day we honor and celebrate and love on moms with flowers, gifts and mother’s day cards. Mother’s Day takes place on the second Sunday of May and it’s a great day to honor and speak directly to moms and women in your church family.
Being a mother is such a beautiful gift and I’m so thankful that God entrusted me to mother our three sweet kiddos and I’m deeply grateful for my own mom and her nurturing and loving care in my life, my whole life-long. With that being said, Christian mother’s day messages sometimes spend too much time acknowledging biological mothers and relationships without making room for the nuance and complicated feelings that mother’s day evokes for many.
Some women at your church long to be mothers, but are unable to be.
Some are foster mothers.
Some are step-moms.
Some have strained or abusive relationships with their mothers.
Some constantly feel the need to defend or explain their lack of desire to be a mother.
Some are mothers with broken relationships with their children.
Some mothers are adoptive mothers; others are birth moms who didn’t get to raise their children.
Some mothers have mixed feelings about how much harder their current season of mothering is than they expected.
Some are sitting in your church and it’s the first Mother’s Day without their mom, aunt, grandmother, or daughter.
For many women to have to paste a smile on their face on this day really sucks. But God’s Word says in Psalm 34:18 that He is near to the brokenhearted. Today is a great day to remind the older women and younger women of your church of the nearness of God’s presence–even in the imperfection, and hurt, and loss and not-the-way-you-would have chosen motherhood.
No matter if they are legally or biologically someone’s mom, the world needs their mothering. Someone either already is or is longing to receive their nurturing and coaching and care— and it is making a difference. They may be the closest thing in someone’s life to a good mother, without ever receiving that title, without a card in the mail, without fanfare or recognition. Acknowledge each mothering soul in the room–in whatever capacity, official or unofficial.
20 Mother’s Day Sermon Topics
Here are 20 Mother’s Day sermon topic ideas for you preach and share with your teaching team. Mother’s Day is a great day to invite a female speaker to your church or from within your church to give the message. Co-teaching a message with a spouse (or your mom!) is another great way to add in female voices and allow women to directly mentor other moms and women from stage.
Many times spiritual messages from men about womanhood or motherhood fall a little flat or may make your congregation feel disconnected or defensive. (If this is hard to imagine, just reverse it and picture a woman talking to you about fatherhood and Biblical masculinity on Father’s Day–the message could get across, but it probably is easier and more powerful coming from another man/father!)
A few things that can help with this:
- Using lots of examples, stories, and quotes from women (with permission) can help with this tension if your denomination does not welcome women speaking from the stage.
- Making your message a little broader in application so those who aren’t women or moms or even “moms in the trenches” still feel invested.
- Check out the Out of the Box Sermon Ideas section at the bottom for some more ways to incorporate women’s voices and wisdom without using a traditional sermon!
Mothers Day Messages Focusing on Scripture Verses
Old Testament Bible Verses
Raising Arrows
Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates. -Psalm 127:3-5
Use your sermon to talk about raising arrows–children who aren’t about reflecting us or our egos; we aren’t trying to live vicariously through them or for them alone. Instead our focus is on raising them to be sent out as lights in a dark world, shining Jesus’ light.
The Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. -Proverbs 31:28-31
The Proverbs 31 Woman has been held up for generations of Christian women to emulate. But there is a lot that modern women can learn from this ancient wife of noble character–she’s an active and powerful force for good in her marriage, family, spiritual circles, and community. In a culture consumed with image (and this affects all ages!) point the ladies and moms to the unfading beauty of a heart that fears the Lord and serves Him wholeheartedly.
Mom Quotes:
Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. -Proverbs 1:8-9
You’ve heard of dad jokes, not we’re talking about mom quotes–those wise and pithy sayings our moms said over and over again. Dive into mom quotes found in the book of proverbs that prove the power of a mother to influence and guide her children toward integrity and godliness. (Proverbs 6:20; Proverbs 10:1)
New Testament Bible Verses
John 10:10 Seeking the Abundant Mom Life
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. -John 10:10
Mom life can be exhausting and trying–your spiritual journey may not be the top of mind when you’re running errands and changing diapers and shuttling around teenagers. But Jesus promised the abundant–overflowing, heaped, to the brim, filled with the good, real stuff of life–for all His followers. Use this special day focused on mom’s to encourage moms to begin their spiritual journey by recognizing the spiritual battleground of motherhood and the great opportunity mom’s have to lean into receiving the full, vibrant abundant life Jesus offers–even in the chaos of motherhood.
The Power of a Praying Mom
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. -James 5:16
Dive into how moms (and anyone with influence) can use the “faithful prayers of a righteous mother” as inspiration to power up their prayer lives for their children. Include some of Paul’s prayers (Ephesians 3; Philippians 1:3-11; 1 Corinthians 13:9,14) for his spiritual children as models to pray. Help moms to see how they can channel their selfless love for their children into powerful prayers that are specific, steady, and Holy Spirit led.
Run the Race with Endurance
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. -Hebrews 12:1-3
Use this passage to encourage moms (and everyone) to run their current race with endurance by 1. Throwing off weights, 2. Staying fixed on Jesus, and 3. Joyfully enduring (with eternity in mind). By using examples from parenting and motherhood that are challenging this message can easily feel challenging for moms in particular, but truly for every member of your congregation.
Gentle and Quiet? Relearning Biblical Womanhood
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. -1 Peter 3:4
What does having a “gentle and quiet” spirit really mean? Never having an opinion? Being a doormat? Let’s unpack how all of us can reflect the gentleness and humility of Jesus as we parent, relate to others, and serve in our church and community. (Matthew 11:28-30 and Philippians 2:5-7)
Topical Mother’s Day Sermon Ideas
The Wilderness of Motherhood
Looking at the parallels between Israel’s time in the wilderness and motherhood. Look how 1. God led them into the wilderness. 2. God fed them in the wilderness. 3. God wanted to know them and be known by them in the wilderness. 4. God used the wilderness to ready them for what’s next.
The Mothering Heart of God
Comparing the love of God and the love of mothers. How the mother’s love and God’s love are similar and different. Use Scriptures like Isaiah 66:13, Isaiah 49:15-16, Luke 13:34, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 to show the unconditional love God shows His children, likened to the particular closeness and nurturing love of a mother.
Resource: The Mother Heart of God by Trudy M. Beyak.
Mothering Bravely: When Worry Wins
One of the biggest struggles for moms is worry–the constant nagging fear for our children and the compulsive desire to protect them from all harm and solve every problem for them. Moms can learn to mother bravely by 1. Dwelling with God by spending time in the Word of God. (Psalm 91:1-2,4) 2. Turning our worries into prayers (Philippians 4:6-7) 3. Renewing our minds by dwelling on the true, lovely, pure (Philippians 4:8) and 4. Tracing God’s faithfulness in their lives (Psalm 77:11).
Resource: The Loudest Roar by Judy Dunagan.
Mama’s Mad: From Grouchy to Grace-Filled
One of the other biggest struggles for moms is the mom-rage that floods up with the behaviors, unmet expectations, and everyday stresses of parenting, working, and managing all the mom things. Moms (and all the people!) need to learn to 1. Acknowledge our anger 2. Know our REAL enemy 3. Discern with wisdom 4. Fight like Jesus (use Scripture to extinguish the enemy’s attack. 5. Be quick to apologize.
Resource: The Super Mom Myth, Chapter 2: The Grouch on the Couch by Becky Kopitzke.
Identity Crisis: More than a Mom
It’s easy for motherhood to begin to become our core identity. (For a fun example/illustration do some interviews with moms at your church asking them to tell you who they are, but NOT use the words wife or mom.) More than anything else–what we drive, read, think about, work for, and give our emotions to–are our children. But when our identity is rooted in our kids, we set ourselves and them up for failure, disappointment, and spiritual decay. Before we are anything else we are beloved children of God (1 John 3:1), created on purpose for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10), and filled with the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19; Galatians 5:22-23).
Mother’s Day Sermon Ideas from the Lives of Women in the Bible
Mary: Treasuring Up the Moments
Mom’s often hear the words “Treasure this moment!” from well-meaning, older parents. But let’s be honest. Not every moment in motherhood is worth treasuring. By examining the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, (perhaps the most well-known mother in Scripture) and seeing how she “treasured or remembered all these things” moms (and dads!) can learn to pause and reflect on the spiritual weight of the big and little, messy and magical, hard and heartbreaking moments of life.
Rahab: Building a Faith Legacy
Use the story of this foreigner and prostitute who courageously chose to align with the people of God and became part of the lineage of Jesus to remind moms of all backgrounds that it is never too late to begin a faith legacy and change their family tree.
Lois + Eunice: The Power of A Godly Mother
Lois and Eunice were Timothy’s mother and grandmother and together Paul credited them with laying the foundation of Timothy’s faith. How do modern moms become women like these Biblical examples of mothers, who pass on their faith to their children well? In 2nd Timothy 1:5 Paul says to Timothy, “I am reminded of your genuine faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” Focus on “more is caught than taught in helping the moms in your congregation learn how to have and practice a sincere faith, that will naturally spark their curiosity, respect and spiritual desire of your kids.
Hannah: From Sobbing to Surrendered
Hannah, the mother of Samuel, had a peculiar path to motherhood. She struggled with infertility, which led her to fervent prayer, which led to God blessing her with not only her son, Samuel, but many children. Even when God answered her prayer, she didn’t forget her promise to surrender her beloved child to the Lord. Hannah’s faithfulness as a mom, but as a follower of God led to blessings for herself, her family and the entire nation of Israel.
Out of the Box Sermon Ideas for Mother’s Day
Mom Stories
This sermon idea may involve more work and discipleship leading up to mother’s day, but reaps tremendous benefits of building up the spiritual gifts of women in your church AND allows more relatability and authenticity in your church. Ask 3 or so godly mothers and women from your church to share 10 minute short messages sharing one thing God has taught them through both the difficult circumstances and joys of motherhood.
Look for women in different life stages, from different walks of life, and who have had different experiences–like a foster parent, an empty nester, and a mom with a child with special needs. Ask them early (2 months out) and set guidelines for time, content, and delivery to help them have a successful experience sharing on stage. Encourage them to practice their talk multiple times, out loud, with a timer, and with an audience (preferably with you or another speaking team member in the audience to give feedback and praise).
Testimony of Grace
Ask as spiritually mature woman of God who has walked through some challenging times to share her story of God’s grace and faithfulness on mother’s day. Like the above situation, this may mean you need to do some additional coaching and meeting times, but can be an incredibly rich gift to your church body to hear the testimony of God working through motherhood or through a personal challenge. This story can be told live or through a mix of video and in person interviews if that is more comfortable.
Council of Women
I love this non-traditional idea to either begin your service or for the entirety of your time. Ask 5-6 women in different life stages and experiences to be part of a special Mother’s Day Interview Panel. Include teens or young adults who can reflect on the things their mom taught them, grandmas, young moms, adoptive moms, moms with young kids, and those with older teens or kids. Try to get a group of well-rounded and wise women!
You can collect questions beforehand via social media and also cater some questions to each individual person. Remind the ladies to keep their answers succinct, if possible and be mindful of sharing their time equally amongst the panel.
Dear Mom
This idea could be done as a video section or live as the whole of the message or as just a portion of the message. Have a elementary age child, a teenager and a college age student, an adult woman read a short letter to their mom. You could follow this format:
Dear mom, It means so much to me when you___________________. I’m so thankful for _____________________________. I know your __________________ is something I will always treasure. You show me how to live like Jesus by _____________________________.
Then you could follow up with moms sharing letters to their younger selves: before they got pregnant, when their kids were young, when their kids were teenagers, when they launched their kids into adulthood, and when their child became a parent.
It’s probably a good idea to review each letter beforehand (maybe have a due date of the Sunday before) and ask them to do a rehearsal together to make sure you timeframes are honored and transitions are lined up well. This is a great way to incorporate many wise voices and makes for a very touching service.
These ideas could also make great jumping off points for a women’s retreat, ladies tea or brunch or other women’s ministry event! If you’re interested in bringing in an outside female speaker for mother’s day or another event, I’d be honored to be considered!
Learn more about booking me to speak here!
I have a variety of signature messages to choose from and can also create a custom message from this list for your crowd and event. Each message is filled with heartwarming and humorous stories, rich Biblical truth and next steps for any stage of spiritual growth!