March 5 Things Friday

Happy Friday! I had another post planned for today, but it has kind of been one of those weeks! We’ve been busy and this baking a baby thing is wearing me out!

Just in case our little one comes early you can still expect regular posts, some will be pre-scheduled ones written by me and I have some AMAZING guest posts lined up to share with you too! And, of course, I’ll be popping in with baby cuteness and life updates. Even though I’ve planned a little “blogging maternity leave” for myself, I can’t not overshare my life. 😛

Okay, on to some fun things for this week!

5 Healthy Living Tips to Read:

How to Create an Effective Workout Plan

Favorite Motivational Tweets

Healthy Living Resources

No More Shiny Object Syndrome<<< yes!

March Madness Challenge <<my bracket is SO busted at this point! Also, this players response to this question is THE BEST. #sarcasmwins

5 Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water:

Vegan Carrot Cake Smoothie

Slow Cooker Carnitas

Healthy Nutella<<not an oxymoron!

Orange Vanilla Greek Yogurt Pancakes

Easy Sweet Braided Easter Bread


5 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I went to the dentist for the first time in over 7 years this week. Don’t put off your dentist appointments! My teeth feel amazing and clean now, but I also have to schedule 3 fillings! Wah!
  2. My favorite store to buy clothes at is Loft. But you can find me wondering the aisles of Barnes & Noble and Target for pure stress relief.

    This could definitely be a text between my husband and I. 😀
  3. My hair changes color a lot, but naturally. I was looking back at some old pictures and one year my hair is quite a bit lighter, then quite a bit darker, and then almost reddish. I think I’m just sensitive to minerals/variety in the water. Weird huh?  I’m thinking about going for an intentional change and embracing some blonde highlights this summer!
  4. I’m normally a pretty direct person and will tell you what I think, but I’m now in the scary point of pregnancy where my kindness filter is wearing thin and I may just share exactly what’s on my mind with everyone. #notpretty #pleasestopbeingsostupideveryone
  5. It’s Easter this weekend! And I have a pretty new Easter dress to wear which makes me happy. It’s silly and not what the holiday is about, but I’m looking forward to getting some cute “all dressed up” family pictures.

My family is coming up to the lake for the weekend so it will be a fun weekend! I can’t wait to celebrate some Easter traditions this year with Layla now that she understands holidays more! We also have a cute little Easter basket all ready for her, which is totally darling! Hope you all have an amazing weekend celebrating our risen Saviour, Jesus! 

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