Friday Loves: June 20
Hey there! Welcome to Friday! Get excited!
We are rolling into our first week of family camp and things are kind of crazy around here—but it’s a good kind of crazy—as long as we all survive. lol!
5 Posts to Love
I Became That Girl—Good stuff! I can totally relate and can’t wait to be “that girl” again.
Negative Body Image Knows No Body Type—It’s nice to know everyone struggles with it.
Running Gear on a Budget—The best stuff to get for the best prices!
Free Workout Videos on Amazon Prime—If you’re not a prime member you reeallly should be. Really.
The Best Running Mantras—Love all the fun and inspiring mantras in the post and comments!
5 Random Things I’m Loving
Nashville. All the Nashville. Just finished Season 2 and I can’t wait to keep watching this fall! I’m obsessed with the music; especially this song: Now You Only Bring Me Black Roses.
Post-It Notes. They are ruling my life right now
Why Are Women Always Apologizing? Great stuff. I’ve been consciously working on not apologizing for A. Things I haven’t done B. Things that aren’t my fault C. As a filler. D. Things I’m not sorry for. #sorrynotsorry
Seeing my brother every day. I’m so glad he’s working at camp this summer again.
Morning snuggles and mommy time with my baby girl. Oh the days are going fast…
Happy Friday!
What are you loving today?