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Live with Joy and Intention in Your Everyday Moments with Chasing Vibrance Academy

We are in a weird state, aren’t we friends? In the middle of a pandemic, in the middle of race riots, in the middle of summer of cancelled or partial plans–things just aren’t going how we thought when we started 2020 all bright eyed and bushy-tailed.

It can feel like we are long overdue for some JOY in our lives.


Well I have some GOOD NEWS! The doors on my brand new course, Chasing Vibrance Academy open today!!

I’m so excited, nervous, hyped–all the feelings right now!

I truly believe, deep down in my gut, that this is something women –from busy mamas chasing littles to twenty-somethings trying to figure out how to “adult well” to those who are rediscovering their passions after emptying the nest — need right now.

We all need JOY and INTENTION in the mundane moments of our lives.

We need to know how to live with purpose and confidence as beloved daughters of God.

We need to know how to spend our time so we don’t waste these precious days scrolling other people’s lives on instagram.

We need to know how to build vibrant relationships with our kids, our spouses, and our girlfriends.

Woman laughing wearing "happy" sweater

I can’t wait for you to check out the course for yourself! You can learn more here: Chasing Vibrance Academy!

I will tell you this is going to be a LIVE course!! While some videos will be pre-recorded I am going to be taking the inaugural group’s feedback and continue to tweak and tailor the message to your needs!

This will also include weekly Facebook Lives in a private group where you can ask questions and receive feedback and coaching!

I’ve also got a TON of sweet bonuses for the first 10 people that sign up!! Things like printable Bible verses, goal setting worksheets, habit trackers, meal planning help, a parent resource guide and a marriage resource guide–you are gonna want to grab these!

Because this is a brand new course, I am offering this inaugural class for just $27. This will get you lifetime access to the course which includes 16 video trainings, 4 live coaching sessions, a guided workbook, exclusive Facebook community, and all them sweet bonuses!

The price will be going up to $47 when it is offered again in the fall, but when you enroll this week for the LIVE version you can save 43% and get full access to the program (even when it launches again!) for just $27. (Say whaaatt?!!)

Get all the details and get signed up HERE.

I’ll see you inside the program!


live with joy and intention in the everyday moments of motherhood pin with t-shirt, black toddler shoes, and flowers in the background

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