Taking a Mental Health Day

Today I took a Mental Health Day.  A day when I let up on my expectations for myself, relaxed, and reduced stress.  I’m not sure why, but today I got up feeling very overwhelmed….about money, the blog, finding a job, finding the right job, settling and being miserable vs. not having a second income, an 1 1/2 hour workout on the agenda, etc., etc. So I decided to give myself a break and take a mental health day.
Taking a Mental Health Day--tips for getting away to relax
You may not have the luxury of taking a mental health day (my last job considered them a sick day), but when you’re overwhelmed and stressed it’s a good thing to do, even if you can carve out a weekend morning or afternoon to relax.
Here are some things I incorporated in my Mental Health Day

  • Yoga.  I spent some time doing yoga.  It wasn’t on the workout “calendar” but I moved and felt calmed.
  • I drank tea and coffee
  • I went to the library and checked out some books and magazines.

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  • I opened my curtains and let in natural light (Sunlight boosts mood and helps you sleep better!)
  • I jammed to some of my favorite country tunes!
  • I ate some dark chocolate

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  • I read blogs
  • I caught up on my Bible reading and prayed about some of my stresses.

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  • Most importantly, I didn’t feel bad for doing any of these things.  I took a break from my expectations of myself and just let the day “be”.  And it was nice.

 Acknowledge 3 positive things about yourself. Write them down or say them aloud.

“I have a strong body. I have a strong mind. I have a strong spirit. I am grateful to be me.”

What would you do on your Mental Health Day?

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  1. I need a mental health day STAT. Glad that you got to enjoy yourself and give you a chance to relieve some of your stress. I hope that tomorrow is better.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to take this day 🙂 I am wholly in support of the concept of mental health days and love your list of what you got up to!

  3. It's so nice to take days like that! 🙂 I actually wish that highly stressful jobs would incorporate something like that.
    I have a couple of more vacation days coming up and I think that I am going to do something similar. 🙂 Spending the day drinking coffee and reading books would be the best day every!

  4. I am so glad that the sun is actually shining today for the first time in over a week. It's been such a dreary week which usually turns into a dreary mood for this girl! I am glad you stepped back and took a break…we all need it from time to time!

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