Tuesday Thoughts: Goals for Fall Bootcamp

Hey there!  We still have unpacking to do from our trip, laundry, cleaning and general catching up. Blech. But I do love getting back into a routine. Hoping a more “regular and boring” week will translate into a productive one on lots of fronts–work, blog, house, and packing. So although last week was a lot of fun, it wasn’t my strongest one for working out. I did a lot of walking, but not much technical workouts. On the positive side I felt like I did well with eating when I was hungry and not snacking like the world is running out of food. 😉

Yesterday was the first day of my online boot camp and I’m excited for what the next 8 weeks hold. The layout of the workouts is right up my alley and I’m ready to push myself!

Goals for Your Trainer Paige Fall Bootcamp:

Goal 1: Gain Muscle

Why: My baby is getting heavy.

Action Steps: I will do this by completing all my prescribed strength workouts focusing on form and challenging myself as I go. I won’t be afraid to up the weights! I will complete all the sets and reps.

let's go running

Goal 2: Lose fat

Why: Those pre-pregnancy jeans.

Action Steps: Complete prescribed HIIT workouts, keeping my intensity high. I will add in cardio as often as I can on top of my strength workouts. Track calories to help keep me accountable while implementing intuitive eating principles of honoring my hunger and not not eating emotionally. Work to move my calories to a ration of 50-30-20 in carbs, protein, and fats to make sure I get the right type of calories to keep me full and healthy. Drink lots of water. Treat responsibly.

Goal 3: Have fun

Why: Life is precious!

Action Steps. Utilize check-ins on the online bootcamp for support, accountability, and connecting. Workout to enjoy life more, not less.

Workouts for the week:

Monday: Strength workout & 15 minutes elliptical

Tuesday: HIIT

Wednesday: Strength & 20 minutes steady running

Thursday: HIIT

Friday: Strength

Saturday: 3 mile run

Overall, I’m ready for a slower week and looking forward to challenging myself more in my workouts! It’s gonna be good!

Any goals you are currently working toward? Do you have a hard time shaking off “bad” weeks or do you move on quickly? 

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