
Kind Words Are Like Honey: Proverbs 16:20 Devotional

Everyday my phone serves me up a short album of memories called “on this day”. I’m a sucker for nostalgia so I always look through them, marveling at how my kids have grown and how fast time has flown. 

I swiped over this photo recently. Our bright smiles are a bit deceiving–in the moment it was snapped things were going well, but it was all about to go downhill.

Mom has her 18 month old in her arms with a cup of tea in her hands and a bright smile on her face

I had driven with my almost two and three year old to the next town over for a play date. The moms were getting shakes and teas at a little cafe and then we were all hitting a sprawling park to let the kids burn out some energy. We had been in our new home for a little more than a year and I was looking forward to building deeper connections with fellow mamas. I imagined heart-to-heart talks as we laughed over our kids’ antics. 

But then, as I was paying and collecting my drinks, my bulldozer of a preschooler knocked down a whole display of protein shakes in his excitement, curiosity, and three-year-old-ness. I was so embarrassed tears welled in my eyes as I apologized profusely and knelt to clean up the mess. I felt like a terrible mother and even more terrible human being. 

Some fellow mamas joined in to help me reset the shelf; others ushered my littles outside and watched over them while we set everything right. We made a quick exit afterwards, our apologies ringing out like the bell above the door. 

Things had to get better once we got to the park, right? Wrong. 

One of the kids had a massive meltdown just minutes after our arrival at the park. Or maybe it was a massive blowout and I didn’t have a change of clothes. Either way, we left early. I was exhausted, frustrated, and disappointed, tears in my eyes again.

I don’t remember praying. I didn’t have a Bible verse that popped in my head. The Holy Spirit didn’t whisper truth into my heart at that moment. 

But God spoke that day. Through the compassion, assistance and non-judgment of that group of mom friends. I knew I was understood and loved. Community spoke and displayed God’s tender love on a hard day in an exhausting season. I was reassured that I was a good mom, accidents happen, and everyone gets it. We’d laugh about it someday, not today–but someday. 

What does “kind words are like honey” mean?

Proverbs 16:20 says, Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

Bible verse "kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body" in large block text with graphics of honeycomb, bee hive, daisies, and greenery

We hold so much power in the way we speak to one another–especially in the moments when we aren’t at our best. When we receive pleasant, gracious, and kind speech it is literally life-giving to our souls AND bodies. 

Our words can breathe fresh life into a tired mama’s sails or they can suck the wind right out of her. The apostle Paul also reminds us how our words reflect God’s grace to each other.

Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:32 (MSG)

Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. -Colossians 4:6 (MSG)

Kindness changes everything.

I needed gentleness and sensitivity on that ill-fated playdate and thankfully, I found it. There’s something to be said for surrounding yourself with a life-giving community. But, more than just receiving life from others, I want to be a life-giving well for others. 

God longs to speak through our tender words and actions today. 

So, how sweetly life-giving are our words today? Are they filled with compassion? Are they full of truth? Or are they puffed up because “at least my kids are *that* crazy”? Let’s allow His graciousness to flow through our words and actions to our friends, spouse, church leaders, children, coworkers, online and in person neighbors. 

Father, may our words bring out the best in others–flowing your truth and kindness to those around us. May we not shame or put down others, but remember it costs us nothing to have grace. Amen. 

Flatlay of honey scoop and wildflowers on a white background with text overlay: kind words are like honey: a proverbs 16:20 devotional

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